Friday, January 06, 2006

Top 10 Sources - with OPML.

Top 10 Sources: "Top 10 Sources is a directory of sites that bring you the freshest, most relevant content on the Web. We know it's impossible for anyone to keep track of the 20 million online sources of information. So our editors search Web 2.0 -- blogs, podcasts, wikis, news sites, and every kind of syndicated sources online -- by hand. Our Top 10 lists are updated frequently as great new sources come online."

What's really interesting about this is that they publish the opml for every subject. So in a good aggregator, you should be able to just include that opml for a subject and let an expert manage that subsection of interest for you.

Almost like subscribing to the same blogs as your favorite blogger, but better - additions and deletions are automatic.

Via Alex Barnett